1995-Present Position: Founder and Executive Director of MissionShift.
1988-2018 Position: Senior Pastor, St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1901 Portland Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55404
Highlights: Delegate to 2010 Lausanne III Congress in Cape Town, South Africa; Chaired formation of the Urban Cross-Cultural College Consortium (U4C), 2003-2013 and served as its Executive Director. Created, teach and oversee MissionShift [Formerly the School of Urban Ministry (SUM)], 1995-present, a college-level introduction to urban ministry. Produced MissionShift DVD Series 2007 & 2013; Unified and gave vision after 1987 congregational struggle; developed extensive cell group ministry 1990-96; National conference speaker and workshop leader on Cross-Cultural Urban Ministry topics; extensive Bible teaching; extensive visioning, fund raising and preparing congregation for transition to changing Minneapolis situation. Contextual Education Supervisor for 63 students for Luther Seminary, 1988-present; Taught in evangelical Lutheran seminary in Ecuador 1994 & Baja California Mexican congregations, 1990.
Adjunct faculty: American Lutheran Theological Seminary, (MissionShift & parish administration); St. Paul; Bethany College of Missions, (preaching) Bloomington, MN.; Faculty, U4C
Boards: Ethnic America Network of the Billy Graham Center, Wheaton, IL 2006-; CitySites Urban Media, St. Paul, MN 2002-; Home Council, Directorate and Vice President of World Mission Prayer League-mission organization 2003-2009; Vice-President Great Commission Network (renewal organization in the ELCA) 1990-2001; Lutheran Conference on the Holy Spirit board, 1989-99.
1985-87 Position: Senior Pastor, Hosanna Lutheran Church, Forest Lake, MN.
Highlights: Oversaw transition time in congregation's ministry; organized Bible studies, re-set priorities in youth program, stewardship program, worked to re-direct vision congregation intransition.
Boards: Luther Dell Bible Camp, 1985-87; Chaired ELCA St. Paul Area Synod committee that developed structure for new synod.
1979-85 Position: Solo Pastor, Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Cleveland, MN and St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, German Lake, Waterville, MN.
Highlights: Oversaw two congregations Oversaw two congregations’ programs; Our Savior’s doubled in size in six years; developed choirs, committee structure; oversaw remodeling of church and parsonage; built youth program, re-wrote both congregations' constitutions; served on three Conference committees.
Boards: LeSueur County DAC, Waterville, MN 1980-85; Luther Dell Bible Camp 1980-1985
1977-78 Position: Intern, Colfax Lutheran Church, Colfax, WI
Highlights: Built youth program, youth choir; general congregation ministry.
1973-77, 78-79 Position: Youth Director, Advent Lutheran Church, Roseville, MN
Highlights: Built discipleship-based youth program; emphasis on service to the congregation; wrote and/or directed musicals for youth choir.
1975 BA in Pre-Theology with music, history and speech concentrations; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 1979 MDiv Luther-Northwestern Theological Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota
Professionally fluent in Spanish.